
The Englewood Data Hub (EDH) brings together non-profit organizations providing child and youth services in the greater Englewood community to foster dialogue, collaboration, advocacy and community building. The EDH is supported by The Joseph and Bessie Feinberg Foundation.

In 2016, the Englewood Data Hub conducted an asset scan of services available to youth in Englewood and West Englewood to provide a resource to identify organizations where youth could be referred for needed services in the greater Englewood community. To add or correct information in the Resource Directory, send an email to englewooddatahub@gmail.com.

This web-based project was designed and implemented in 2017 by a group of researchers at the Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago, with funding from The Joseph and Bessie Feinberg Foundation. Details are available here.

In addition to using the data from the EDH asset scan, the project was built using several Open Source components. The source code of these open source components along with license information can be found below. We acknowledge and are grateful to these developers for their contributions to the open source community.

Project: OpenStreetMapĀ® by the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF)
License: Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL)

Project: MapBox
License: Various (mostly BSD)

Projects: Bootstrap and Less
License: MIT, documentation under CC BY 3.0

Project: D3
License: BSD-3-clause

Project: jQuery
License: MIT and jQuery License

Projects: Leaflet and Leaflet.FeatureGroup.SubGroup
License: BSD-2-clause

Projects: Lodash, RBush, Turf.js, and Leaflet.markercluster
License: MIT